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22 February 2018
“The Truth is Given into the hands of Christians’ Mutual Love”
The Transfiguration Brotherhood’s 19th Presentation of the Lord Council – this year attended primarily by those who had recently joined the Brotherhood – was recently held in ...
08 September 2017
Photo Chronicle of the 2017 Transfiguration Meetings Festival “Time for a New Sobornost”
This Orthodox conference-forum, which took place in Moscow on the 19th and 20th of August, was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the opening of the local church Council of ...
08 March 2017
Transfiguration Brotherhood held the 18th Meeting of the Lord Convention Near Moscow
The convention brought together Christian communities from many cities across Russia and neighbouring countries along with representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Association ...
24 August 2016
Faces of the Festival
The two-day Transfiguration Meetings Festival, organized this year around the theme “Those Who Have Hope”, was held in Moscow on 20-21 August and gathered together more than 2,00...
17 February 2016
Transfiguration Brotherhood held the 17th Meeting of the Lord Council on 13-15 February
The main focus of the Council was on the Brotherhood's various action group activities
24 August 2010
Why do we need brotherhoods in the Church?
An interview with brothers and sisters who belong to the Transfiguration Brotherhood
the end!
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